Show #0044 Stake Land and Feedback

Got a couple of reviews one is a follow up on the roll your own from Brad the other is a review of a headlamp from Mike.


Princeton Tec Headlamp
Reason Magazine
Article about the Tax

Stake Land

Show #0027 Movie Reviews and Hand Tools

Today we have a movie review from Eric of the Handgun Podcast we also talk a little bit about some hand tools, the human powered ones.

Some of the movies that were talked about.
The Wild Bunch
The Professionals
Once Upon A Time In The West
All Quiet on the Western Front (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy)

Music Band: Bad Religion Song: You (Album Version)

provided by Mevio

Show #0025 Mish Mash of Various Things

On today’s show I play a couple of voice mails and talk about tomahawks. I also give some picks for books and for some You tube vids to watch as well.

RMJ Tactical
American Tomahawk
Cold Steel
The Khukuri House

Some Youtube channels: copy and paste once you get to youtube

Music <Gowron Said Knock You Out
provided by Mevio